Swapping tokens

Please use this link to open @RapidSwapBot on Telegram.

Check out a quick 2 minute video on how to swap tokens:

Use /swap or /buy commands (they are interchangeable) to swap tokens.

If you are using this command in a public group, you will be prompted to redirect to private chat, where you can securely complete this transaction. Click on Switch to Private Chat button shown below:

After being redirected to private chat, click on START.

You may be prompted to select blockchain if you are using RapidSwapBot directly, and not from a group that has default sell and buy tokens configured, or if group does not have it fully configured.

The main swap screen is now shown. You can select which token you want to sell and which to buy, as well as the amount to sell, and slippage. You can also change blockchain if needed.

Last updated